School Newsletter-December 2020

• Due to current restrictions around COVID-19, it was neither possible to host a Christmas concert this year or travel to see a live performance. However an online show performed by a fantastic five-piece band at the Black Box Theatre in Galway helped to fill this particular void for the children from Junior Infants up to Fourth Class. This musical treat featured a mix of festive favourites and traditional rhymes, some of which were performed in Irish. The show entitled ‘Rockin Christmas Rhymes’ had children singing along and on their feet dancing to some of the more popular and well known songs. We were delighted to be able to incorporate an enjoyable musical performance into classroom life for our pupils.

• The Photographer visited the school.

• Pupils wore their Mayo jerseys on the Friday preceding Mayo contesting the All-Ireland Senior Football Final and were also allowed to wear their Christmas jumpers on the last two days of the term. Children also received the Christmas Annuals and derived much fun and enjoyment from them!

• Rian Loughney was the only lotto winner in December.

• Frása na Míosa- Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí!

• On Friday December 18th children in the junior room received a very important call on Zoom from Santa Claus! The children were delighted, if a little nervous to see him. He imparted some very important information to the class, namely that it takes fifteen hours to travel around the world and that he can complete the journey so fast because of magic dust. The pupils were also told that he takes a break near Ballaghaderreen and were asked to leave out milk, cookies and maybe a mince pie. In addition he requested that a carrot would be left out for Rudolph! Santa also told the children that the reason Rudolph’s nose is so red is because he travels so fast around the world. It was truly a magical experience for the children.

• Staff members are very proud of how well pupils have cooperated with all of the new protocols introduced since the beginning of September. Well done to all the children who have strove consistently to keep everyone safe and healthy at this time.

• The Aistear theme in Mrs Shevlin’s room was The Nativity and Christmas. In role play, the children acted out the story of the birth of Jesus. They made Christmas trees out of lollipop sticks and fabric during art. In their writing corner, the pupils wrote letters to Santa and made their own envelopes too! Learners also made snowflakes which involved excellent cutting skills. Finally the class enjoyed a Christmas disco with popular Christmas songs and sang some carols too!

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