- On December 3rd, a ‘no-uniform day’ was held to raise funds for The Irish Cancer Society. This fund-raiser was organised in association with Rebecca Regan’s ‘Dip for Courage’ twenty one day challenge, which saw the Regan family and supporters swim in the bracing waters of Urlaur Lake for twenty one consecutive days. Pupils and staff wore Christmas jumpers and donated generously to this deserving cause. The initiative had a very personal dimension for all at Kilmovee School, as we wished to support Marie Regan, mother of Fifth Class pupil Keith, as she continues receiving treatment. Children who received the Sacrament of Confirmation earlier this year made their own additional contributions. Staff and pupils were delighted to raise a total of five hundred euro for this very worthy cause.
- The pupils in the junior room were treated to an online performance of ‘How to Catch a Star’. The film told the tale of a boy who was always looking up! He dreamt of having a star as a friend. This was the story of his adventure. Branar, in association with Town Hall Theatre, presented a film version of their acclaimed production of ‘How to Catch a Star’ by Oliver Jeffers. This adaptation combined an original score by Colm Mac Con Iomaire, puppetry by Grace Kiely and Neasa Ní Chuanaigh, directed by Marc Mac Lochlainn, with design by Maeve Clancy. The children had a lovely afternoon watching ‘How to Catch a Star’ and drinking their hot chocolate!
- There were two lotto winners this month-Lauren Leonard and Conor Duffy.
- Frása na Míosa- Is olc an ghaoth nach seideann maitheas do dhuine éigin
- For this month’s Aistear theme, the children have been discovering and exploring the Polar Regions. They have learned all about the animals, people, weather, and homes in these areas. They loved playing in their igloo and taking on the role of scientists, researchers, animals and much more. They have also constructed a variety of objects such as igloos, animals and icebergs in the small world area using different materials. The children engaged with many thematic books, videos, poems and posters based on this topic. Their creativity, confidence, oral language and general knowledge have really flourished during this theme.
- We wish to acknowledge the co-operation of children and parents during the first term in adhering to all of the measures that are in place to help limit the spread of Covid-19. In particular we wish to pay tribute to the patience and forbearance of our pupils during this period. We look forward to better times ahead!
- Sadly we bade farewell to Miss Jennifer Waldron who has been teaching Infants and First Class since last February. Since then she has endeared herself to staff and children alike. Miss Waldron has proven herself to be an outstanding teacher and has contributed richly to school life during her time with us. We wish Jennifer every happiness and success in her future career and thank her most sincerely for all she has brought to the role during her time at Kilmovee School.
- Pupils were given their Christmas Annuals and watched a film on the last day of term. They were also allowed to wear festive jumpers and received sweet treats ahead of the much anticipated Christmas break. Nollaig Shona Daoibh go léir!