- At the start of the month came the news, that all schools would regrettably remain closed for a period of three weeks as part of the Government’s Level 5 restrictions. This decision came on foot of Public Health advice, to reduce mobility in the community in an effort to help limit the transmission of COVID- 19. A collection of textbooks and materials was organised at the school. Pupils in Second Class and upwards were also provided with a literacy and Maths copy for work completed during this period.
- Work plans for each class were assigned on a weekly basis, but laid out in a daily format. These were supported by videos and voice recordings on Seesaw. Parents and pupils messaged teachers through the Seesaw App and also uploaded work for feedback and corrections. Zoom calls also began, first for the senior pupils and then for those in lower classes. The Zoom calls were primarily for social reasons but also for some live teaching. However there are difficulties with some children being able to connect, so we remain mindful of this reality.
- Catholic Schools Week took place at the end of the month. This year’s theme was; Catholic Schools- Communities of Faith and Resilience. Materials were sent to families for children and parents to peruse at home.
- Enrolment for new Junior Infants began with notifications placed in the Western People and the parish newsletter.
- A collection of copies and work completed during the closure was organised in a safe and socially distanced manner. New copies were provided for children’s assignments and tasks for the next period.
- Teachers were delighted with the quality and quantity of work submitted by our pupils, which was evident in the copies collected after the first fortnight of distance learning. Staff felt that it was very important to physically correct pupils’ work and to give relevant feedback, in addition to what is being done online. Teachers also used this experience to inform their planning for the remainder of the closure. We are very grateful to parents for their huge support in this matter.
- There were two lotto winners this month-Mia Shiel and Lauren Leonard. Well done to both girls. Due to the continued school closure, the lotto will be paused until school resumes.
- Frása na Míosa- Tús maith leath na hoibre.