School Newsletter-June 2021


  • We began the month on a lively note, with outdoor dance workshops for each classroom, facilitated by Sandra Ganley of ‘Jiving Juniors Dance School’. Pupils were taught some line dancing along with the basic waltz step. It was a most enjoyable day for all the children and Staff.


  • On Wednesday the 2nd of June we welcomed our incoming Junior Infants and their parents for an open evening. The children had lots of fun exploring some of the toys in the classroom, colouring beautiful pictures, building some impressive creations and getting to know each other. The parents had the opportunity to ask any questions they had and to get some tips and tricks for starting school. A lovely evening was had and we look forward to welcoming everybody in September.



  • Active Week took place with a number of very enjoyable activities. For the first day, there was a tennis lesson with Tim Clark. Tim took the senior pupils through a number of skills necessary to play the game. Due to the inclement weather however, the sessions for the junior and middle classrooms were deferred. The next facet of Active Week was provided by Emma Coleman of ECM Dance. Emma had the pupils on their feet, instructing them in contemporary dance moves. Children had great fun expressing themselves in this particular art form. Sports Day was also held during Active Week, but this year due to COVID-19 restrictions, activities for each classroom were held separately. The day was coordinated by Student Teacher, Ms Shauna Golden. Shauna was ably assisted by another past pupil Ms Tara Higgins. The children in each classroom were given the opportunity of partaking in fun events such as the egg and spoon, three legged, sack and wheelbarrow races. Boys and girls races along with obstacles course activities were also a feature of the day. In addition, children had very little traditional homework this week but instead were given active homework! A fun-filled week was had by all pupils.


  • Additionally during Active Week, the pupils of Third and Fourth Classes took up an invitation to visit Kilmovee Community Tunnel. Two activities were organised and the class was split in half so that each group could partake in turn.  The pupils in Third Class were instructed in the method of sowing wild flower seeds. They also got to examine and identify the many vegetables that are growing in the tunnel, for example, beetroot, carrots, potatoes, pumpkins and onions. Meanwhile Fourth Class children were busily identifying and counting the many varieties of trees that are growing outside. Ash, beech, sycamore, holly and hawthorn were found.  Lorraine, who organised the visit, explained the term ‘biodiversity’ to the children and the part we all have to play in protecting our environment. Each child received a present of an upcycled gardening apron, along with the tray of seeds which they had sown earlier. On returning to class, children wrote a recount of their day at the tunnel. We thank the Staff at Kilmovee Community Centre, for their warm welcome and a most informative and pleasurable visit.



  • Cruinniú na n-Óg is an annual day of free activities for the children of Ireland, with the aim of celebrating and encouraging their participation in culture and creativity through a range of activities. To celebrate the day, the Manager of Kilmovee Community Centre invited pupils from Second Class and upwards to attend an African Drumming workshop, led by Mr. Barry Flannery. The objective of celebrating the day is for pupils to share ideas, learn new skills and have fun.  This is an initiative of the Creative Ireland Programme at the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. To start off, Barry gave some information about the various drums and demonstrated how to play them. Children then got to copy rhythms performed by Barry and had the opportunity to try out a rhythm of their own, with the other members of the group listening and replicating it. Pupils had a brilliant afternoon expressing themselves through music. Wonderful rhythms could be heard reverberating around the thatched cottage which was a most suitable venue for this event. We are most grateful to Ms. Hunt for involving us in this fantastic initiative.


  • While one group were at the drumming workshop the other group was given permission to use the Astro-pitch. Pupils had great fun playing football on this very safe amenity.


  • We congratulate the seven children who received the sacrament of First Penance. They are Jenson Burns, Áine Duffy, Noah Duffy, Ronan Duffy, Carly Egan, James Kelly and Chloe Roddy. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Sacrament was celebrated in school. We thank Fr. Vincent Sherlock for making this possible.



  • For the month of June, the Aistear theme in Miss Waldron’s room was “The Zoo”. The children really loved this theme and took a particular interest in checking in on the animals in Dublin Zoo on the webcam. For role play the pupils were working in Dublin Zoo, taking care of some sick animals, feeding the animals (zoo keeper) selling tickets at the zoo gate and were involved in many more scenarios. For construction the children made their own blue print of a zoo and carefully constructed very creative habitats for different animals. In the small world learners discussed and created the journey for the animals from their natural habitats to the zoo. Along with this, they had lots of fun creating animals, masks and a mini zoo in art and craft. The children also completed some animal counting and adding, odd one out activities and labelling, to name but a few of the literacy and numeracy activities carried out. It was a really enjoyable theme for all!


  • Aoibhe Duffy and Patrick Duffy were winners of the school-lotto this month.


  • Frása na Míosa- Aithníonn ciaróg ciaróg eile!


  • Tim Clarke returned to the school to complete a tennis lesson with the middle and junior rooms, which had previously been postponed due to weather conditions.


  • We took advantage of the good weather and brought band practice outside. This enabled the pupils of the middle and senior rooms to play their tunes as a group. This has not been possible indoors because of COVID-19 restrictions. It was a lovely experience to bring the children together for this subject area and to hear the improvements that have been made since September. We look forward to playing more tunes as a group in the next school-year!


  • Infants and First Class had a most enjoyable trip to Graune Pet Farm. Pupils had a wide variety of animals to view, including rabbits, llamas, alpacas, goats, lambs and poultry. Next they availed of the outdoor playground and had lots of fun there. The children also had a picnic which rounded off a great day for everyone!


  • At the final Board of Management meeting of the year, we said a sad farewell to our esteemed Chairperson, Fr Vincent Sherlock. Fr Sherlock is to move to the parish of Tubbercurry, following an announcement of Diocesan changes. Mrs Warde thanked him for his work as Chairperson of the Board, during which time he oversaw Staff changes, an extension to the school and was a constant source of support and wisdom. Fr Sherlock celebrated Masses, Prayer services and the Sacraments of Confirmation, First Penance and First Communion with our pupils during his twelve years in the parish. As a token of our gratitude, Mrs Warde made a presentation to Fr Sherlock on behalf of the Board. We wish Fr Sherlock health and happiness as he starts a new chapter in the parish of Tubbercurry.


  • As we come to the end of the year, we wish to acknowledge the huge efforts made by everybody in adhering to guidelines and advice in order to keep COVID -19 out of our school. While this was not always easy and required considerable sacrifice, we can be proud of our endeavours and the way in which we minded each other and vulnerable family members also. We look forward to the easing of restrictions in the year ahead and a return to school life as we knew it prior to the global Pandemic.


  • The end of year Prayer Service to celebrate the graduation of our Sixth Class pupils was held in the school. Due to restrictions, only Sixth Class children, their parents and Mrs Warde could attend. The Service had an added poignancy as it is the last Sixth Class graduation that Fr Sherlock will attend. Pupils were thanked for the contribution they have made to school life throughout the last eight years and were encouraged to nurture the friendships they have formed during that time. Following the Prayer Service, there were refreshments and a graduation cake. Students were also presented with personalised hoodies and certificates. Mrs Warde was thanked for all she has done for the pupils, whom she also taught at Infant level. We are very proud of how the students have developed and shared their skills and talents during their eight years at Kilmovee School and we wish them every success and fulfilment in the future!                                 


                   Go mbeirimid beo ar an am seo arís.


                  The Class of 2021

                       Robbie Dodd

                       Declan Duffy

                       Ewan Duffy

                       Ryan Egan

                       Dale Purcell

                       Patrick Regan

                       Gemma Rush

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