- On Wednesday, May 4th, the Cumann na mBunscol Gaelic Football Competitions took place in Ballaghaderreen GAA Pitch. This was the first GAA Schools Competition that Kilmovee N.S had attended since before Covid-19 restrictions. Three schools were invited-ourselves, Brusna N.S and Carracastle N.S. Our boys’ team lost to Carracastle but beat Brusna. Unfortunately Kilmovee N.S couldn’t field a girls’ team because we didn’t have enough girls to make up a team. I am the only girl in the 5th and 6th Mr. Bracken, the Principal of Carracastle N.S organised the competition and Tommy Warde was the referee. It was great to meet up with other children from the local schools, particularly some I knew from my club, Kilmovee Shamrocks. I was delighted to meet Saorlaith Dillon, Oran Duffy, Ultan Duffy and Ava Dooney.
Emma Shiel, 6th Class.
- The pupils of 2nd, 3rd and 4th Classes were delighted to welcome Dermot Horkan, a member of Charlestown Fire Service to their classroom. Dermot told the children about all of the common fire hazards in our homes and the safety measures we can employ to avoid a house fire. He also spoke about the importance of having an ‘exit plan’ in the event of a fire occurring. Children listened as Dermot told them about the sequence of events, once his bleeper goes off and he goes to the fire station. Pupils also had the opportunity to ask questions. Learners were encouraged to be ‘fire safety agents’ in their own homes and to talk about what they had learned with members of their families.
- On Friday, May 6th, Sergeant Conor and Garda Pat from the Swinford Garda Station visited the school and spoke to 4th, 5th and 6th Class pupils about Internet Safety. This visit was part of the Garda Primary Schools Programme, which aims to foster respectful communication online and equip children with the skills to deal effectively with cyberbullying. Topics covered included safety while gaming, meeting strangers online, risks of sharing personal information and the fact that once a message/photo/video is posted online-it remains in the system and can be retrieved by Garda Technical Officers. Pupils had an opportunity to ask questions and the visit was extremely valuable and enlightening.
- Fred ‘The Party Professor’ entertained all of the pupils from Junior Infants to Sixth Class with his unique mix of magic, music and humour. This was another ‘first’ since Covid restrictions have been lifted. It was delightful to see children from all of the classes gathered together to enjoy a light-hearted and fun event!
- Schools Inspector, Ms Máire Ní Mháirtín paid a visit to the school. Ms Ní Mháirtín listened to the school band and visited each of the classrooms. She interacted with children and spoke with teachers giving affirmation and advice. We were very pleased that Ms Ní Mháirtín spent the day at our school and look forward to welcoming her back in the future.
- Past pupil, Tom Horan undertook three days of work experience with us, as part of his LCVP course requirements. Tom is a student at St. Joseph’s Community College at present. During the three days, Tom spent time helping out in the Junior Classroom and also helped with P.E for older pupils. We are always happy to welcome past pupils to the school.
- Our students took part in the Super Valu Save the Bees Campaign which aims to educate people about the important role bees play in our everyday lives. A pollinator pack was delivered to each school to promote awareness of the need to protect our bees. Save the bees cards were given to Super Valu customers which were placed on the save the bees poster. When the poster was completed, the school was entered in a draw for a cash prize. The aim of the Programme is to raise awareness of what we can do make Ireland more pollinator friendly in the months and years ahead.
- A Scholastic Book Fair was held during the month. Children had the opportunity of discovering new books in the comfort of their own school surroundings. Pupils were able to browse during the weeklong event and an open evening was held where parents and children could discover books together. Children purchased a lot of books including many new titles. Holding the fair enables the school to purchase new material through its reward system. This was a wholly pleasurable and beneficial experience for pupils, parents and staff.
- A Promethean smart board was installed in the infant classroom.
- Five children received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion in Kilmovee Church on May 21st. They were Peter Duffy, Danny Egan, Chloe Loughney, Tara Rose Lynchehaun and Kiera Roddy. The children were joined by the First Communicants from Tavrane and Kilkelly Schools. In total, thirteen pupils received First Eucharist. Afterwards children and their families were invited to celebrate at a party in the Community Centre organised by the Parents Association. Many thanks to the Parents Association for the party and to Fr Joseph for all he did in the lead up to the day and on the day itself.
- The pupils from Junior Infants up to Second Class went on their School Tour to the ‘Let’s Go Camp’ in Bekan. They really enjoyed their fun-filled day. It was spent doing archery, wall climbing and playing human fussball. The children also took part in an obstacle race in a giant bouncy castle and threw fun shapes in the bouncy disco. The pupils all looked out for each other very well and sang lively songs on the bus!
- On May 24th, the Junior Room was invited to the Community Centre to plant seeds. Pupils were excited to see the poly tunnel and while there, had the opportunity to learn how to plant sunflower seeds, which they were allowed to take home and watch grow! Children also planted pumpkin seeds which have been kept at the tunnel. The plan is that the pupils will return at Halloween to see their fully grown pumpkins! Learners were thrilled to taste freshly grown strawberries and to be served with a drink and biscuits before they left. Mrs Shevlin, Angela and the children are very thankful to the very helpful and knowledgeable staff-Heather, Geraldine and Sheila who made their morning at the Centre a very enjoyable one!
- A Board of Management meeting was held, at which Mrs Warde announced her decision to retire at the end of the current school year. She stated that while it has been her privilege to teach and be Principal in her native parish, she felt the time was now right to step away from that huge part of her life. While the news was met with genuine sadness and regret, everybody wished Mrs Warde well for the next phase of her life. Fr. Joseph thanked Mrs Warde for the huge leadership role that she has undertaken since becoming Principal and for her contribution to teaching and learning for many years in the infant classroom and latterly with the senior pupils. He also paid tribute to the welcoming atmosphere he has observed since first visiting the school and the manner in which the Catholic ethos is upheld. He also thanked Mrs Warde for her generosity in offering to help in the transition period ahead. The meeting was informed that none of the staff members will be applying for the position and that interviews would be held in a timely manner.
- Caoimhe Duffy won twice in the School Lotto this month.
- Frása na Míosa- Ná dean rud ar bith faoi dheifir!
- The Aistear theme in Mrs Shevlin’s room was the DIY Store. In construction, children were builders and built farm sheds, garages and stables. Tilers were busy designing tiles and tiling walls. They worked hard at being precise. The painters got busy painting their toolboxes and also made tools for the toolboxes using lego and lollipop sticks. In Role Play, the pupils used their imaginations to become various tradespeople, buying tools and were hard at work! The children really enjoyed the theme and are now ‘available for hire’!!