- On April 1st, pupils and staff undertook a walk in support of the ‘Climb with Charlie’ event. This initiative which was spearheaded by former RTE broadcaster, Charlie Bird, raised much-needed funds for two vital charities- Irish Motor Neurone Disease and Pieta. People all over Ireland were encouraged to get involved in their own areas, to show solidarity and support for both Charlie and his chosen charities. Sixth Class pupils kindly offered to donate fifty euro from their upcoming sale-of-work to this worthy cause.
- Sunday, April 3rd was Census Night. Activities based around this were carried out with Fifth and Sixth Classes. Statistics from one hundred years ago were also examined and discussed. Younger pupils thought about the ‘time capsule’ in this year’s census and what they would like to include in it. The changes that may have occurred one hundred years from now were considered among the children.
- On Thursday 7th of April, Sixth Class organised a Sale-of-Work. First of all we designed and printed posters and visited each classroom asking children to donate items. We were looking for boys’ toys, girls’ toys, books, puzzles, DVDs and soft toys. It had been over two years since we last had a Sale-of-Work. We had some fun games such as ‘Guess the Baby?’, ‘Guess the Tractor?’ and ‘Guess the Footballer?’ We also had face-painting and a darts game. Each teacher sold raffle tickets in their classrooms for one of the biggest raffles ever. On the day of the Sale-of-Work there was a lot of excitement among all the children in the school. Lots of delicious home-baked treats arrived in that morning. We used an iPad to play songs. Mrs Shevlin’s pupils were the first to arrive at about 11.20am. We were busy from the Get-Go. By 12.30pm most of the items were sold. Then we tidied up and got ready for the raffle. It was a great experience for me and the rest of Sixth Class and we learned lots of skills. The total amount of money raised was €574.00. We donated €50 to the ‘Climb with Charlie’ charity and the remainder will help pay for our school tour bus expenses. It was a fantastic day for the whole school!
Michael Duffy, Sixth Class
- Fr Gavigan extended an invitation to the five First Communicants to take part in the ‘Washing of the Feet’ ceremony during Mass on Holy Thursday evening. The children accepted the invitation and had the opportunity to imagine themselves as Apostles as they re-enacted the event. This was a wonderful occasion, as it added another real life dimension for the children as they progress along their faith journey.
- Mayo Day is an annual event, which is a celebration of the spirit of County Mayo. To mark the day, pupils and staff came to school wearing ‘the green and red of Mayo’. We discussed important historical figures from Mayo, scenic locations and various landmarks in the county. We also talked about our pride in the county and what we can do to help make it a better place.
- There were no winners in the School Lotto this month.
- Frása na Míosa- Bíonn blas ar an mbeagán!
- The Aistear theme of The Garden Centre in Mrs Shevlin’s room was further developed this month. Plant pots were made from clay and when dry, were painted using the three primary colours. These colours were also mixed to create new colours! Children also planted cress seeds in their pots and are eagerly looking forward to see how they grow. They are planning delicious cress in their salads with mashed potato! Learners also went on a nature walk and spotted insects, wild flowers, different types of leaves, along with baby calves and lambs.